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Proposed 20mph Zone - West Barnes Lane Area

Update - Implementation of 20mph Speed Limit - 26 October 2009

The representations received, during the formal consultation carried out in June 2009, along with officers’ recommendations were reported to the Cabinet Member for Planning and Traffic Management on 7 October 2009, who has agreed to proceed with the implementation of the proposed 20mph speed limit as shown on the linked newsletter below.

The Cabinet Member’s decisions are as follow:

  • To proceed with the introduction of the 20mph speed limit and associated traffic calming measures for the West Barnes area.
  • To proceed with the making of the Traffic Management Orders (TMO) for the implementation of the proposed West Barnes area 20mph speed limit.

What Happens Next?

The final made TMOs, which allow the proposals to be implemented and administered, will be published in the London Gazette and the local newspaper shortly. Notices will also be placed on lamp columns in the affected area.

A plan identifying the area affected by the proposals and the Council’s ‘Statement of Reasons’ can be inspected at Merton Link, Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden, Surrey during the Council’s working hours, Monday to Friday, between 9am and 5pm.

It is anticipated that the traffic calming works on West Barnes Lane will commence during the week commencing 9 November 2009 and would be completed by 28 February 2009, subject to any bad weather. The construction of these works will require the closure of West Barnes Lane (between Crossway and Burlington Road), however access will be maintained for residents. Traffic Signs will be erected to show the diversion routes. The closure will be lifted in the run up to Christmas and will be put in place again in January 2010. It will also be necessary to restrict parking within the vicinity of the works and it would be appreciated if residents could abide by these restrictions. Pedestrian access will be provided within the vicinity of the works.  

Finally we would like to thank you for your participation in the consultation process and for your feedback.

See also

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Update - Statutory Consultation for 20mph Speed Limit - 26 June 2009

Residents were consulted in October 2008, as shown below, to convert the area bounded by West Barnes Lane (south), the railway line and West Barnes Lane (east – not included) into a 20mph zone. However, most of the residents who responded to this consultation, expressed concerns regarding the proposed traffic calming measures on Estella Avenue and Douglas Avenue, as being unnecessary. Concerns were also raised to the proposed boundary, that rat running would occur on the roads south of West Barnes Lane (south), which were not included in the boundary.  

In light of the comments received, the council is not proceeding with the original 20mph zone proposal but is re-consulting residents to convert this area into a 20mph speed limit and to extend the boundary.

For further details please see the 20mph Speed Limit Newsletter linked below.

See also

(requires Adobe Acrobat, version 5 or later)

Update - Statutory Consultation for 20mph Zone - 14 November 2008

In line with Merton’s commitment to reduce vehicular speeds through 20mph zones and 20mph speed limits, funding has been allocated for 2008/09 financial year to convert existing traffic calmed roads within the borough into 20mph zones / speed limits. West Barnes area bounded by West Barnes Lane (south), the railway line and West Barnes Lane (east – not included) has been identified as one that is suitable for a 20mph speed Zone.

A 20mph Zone is a dedicated area where improving the safety and maintaining the quality of life for local residents takes precedence over the general objective to ease traffic movement. Traffic speeds within this area are not to exceed 20mph.


To convert this area into a 20mph zone in accordance with the legal requirements, additional traffic calming measures would be required on Douglas Avenue (2 sets of speed cushions), Estella Avenue (3 sets of speed cushions) and West Barnes Lane (6 sets of speed cushions). In addition to this, the existing zebra crossing within the vicinity of 359 West Barnes Lane would be raised to the same level as the footway, i.e it would be placed on a speed table.

It would also be necessary to introduce the appropriate signs and road markings at the entry/exit points to the proposed zone. Details can be seen on the linked plans below.

What happens next

A Notice of the council’s intentions to introduce the above measures will be published in the local newspaper and posted on lamp columns in the vicinity. Representations for and against must be done in writing to the Head of Street Scene and Waste Management Division, Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden, Surrey, SM4 5DX by no later than 5 December 2008, quoting reference ES/SGE/WESTBARNES20MPHZONE.

Anyone who opposes the scheme must state the grounds upon which their objections is made. Those who support the scheme are also encouraged to make representations.

Please note that responses to any representation received will not be made until a final decision is made by the Cabinet Member. The council is required to give weight to the nature and content of your representations and not necessarily the quantity. Your reasons are, therefore, important to us.

A plan identifying the area affected by the proposal can be inspected at West Barnes Library and at Merton Link, Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden, Surrey during the council’s working hours, Monday to Friday, between 9am and 5pm.

Please note that the outcome of the consultation, along with officers’ recommendations will be reported to the Cabinet Member for a decision. Once a decision is made, you would be informed accordingly via a newsletter.

See also

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Contact us

Traffic & Highways
Merton Civic Centre
London Road

Telephone: 020 8545 3835
Fax: 020 8545 4865


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