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Proposed 20mph Zone - Commonside East Area

Update - Pedestrian facility - 26 November 2010

During the consultation, residents within the area requested additional pedestrian crossing facilities at the junction of Commonside East/Cedars Avenue and on Commonside East between Manor Road and Cedars Avenue to enable pedestrians safely access Mitcham Common and the bus stops.

We are liaising  with Transport for London (TfL) to add a pedestrian crossing stage to the existing traffic signalised junction of Commonside East/Cedars Avenue, as they are responsible for the maintenance and implementation of all traffic signals within London. Due to the high demand from other London Boroughs for similar requests to TfL, this can take up to two years for the facility to be implemented, subject to meeting TfL’s strict criteria.

For further details please see the Commonside East pedestrian facility web page.

Update - Implementation - 12 November 2010

Following the formal consultation carried out in July 2010, the Council has decided to implement a 20mph zone in the Commonside East Area.

Representations received from residents regarding the proposals, along with officers’ recommendations were reported to the Cabinet Member for Environmental Sustainability and Regeneration on 5 October 2010. The Cabinet Member has agreed to proceed with the implementation of the proposals as shown on the implementation newsletter linked below.

The decisions are as follow:

  • To proceed with the introduction of the 20mph zone for the Commonside East Area.
  • To proceed with the making of the Traffic Management Orders (TMO) for the implementation of the proposed Commonside East Area 20mph zone.  

During the consultation, requests were made for a pedestrian crossing stage at the existing traffic signalised junction of Commonside East/Cedars Avenue and a pedestrian crossing facility in Commonside East between Manor Road and Cedars Avenue. These two requests are being investigated and residents will be informed of the outcome.

See also

Update - Statutory Consultation - 16 July 2010

In recent years, the Council has shown a commitment to manage excessive or inappropriate speeds in residential roads through a programme of 20mph zones. As part of this programme, the Council has introduced a 20mph zone in some roads within the Eastfield area during the 2009/10 financial year. We have now secured additional funding to extend this 20mph zone to include Commonside East area. The proposed area is bounded by Cedars Avenue, Crossways Road, Cambridge Road, Tamworth Lane, Manor Road (excluded) and Commonside East (up to junction with Commonside West).

There have also been complaints from residents regarding the speed of traffic and the perceived ineffectiveness of the existing speed cushions in Commonside East. To determine the speed of traffic in this area, a traffic volume and speed survey was carried out between 14 May 2010 and 20 May 2010. The table in the newsletter shows the recorded traffic speeds on the roads where the surveys were carried out.

In the 3 year period up to 30 December 2009, there were 7 recorded personal injury collisions (PICs), of which 6 occurred on Commonside East. Most of these collisions involved drivers turning right / left colliding with drivers travelling ahead. Of the 6 collisions on Commonside East, 1 involved a pedestrian, 1 involved a pedal cyclist and 3 involved  motorcyclists.


20mph Zone

To encourage motorists to reduce their speed, it is proposed to convert the proposed area into a 20mph zone. Current regulations state that zones must be self-enforcing and this is achieved through the appropriate traffic calming measures. Although most of the roads are already traffic calmed, traffic speeds on both Commonside East and Tamworth Lane are considered to be relatively high. A plan of the proposals is shown overleaf for your information.

To reduce the number of personal injury collisions and to effectively reduce speed of traffic, the Council is proposing the following additional traffic calming measures:

  • Raised junction on Commonside East at its junction with Tamworth Park,
  • Convert the first existing set of speed cushions (towards Mitcham Town Centre) on Commonside East after its junction with Cedars Avenue into a raised speed table,
  • Raised Entry Treatment in Pentlands Close at its junction with Commonside East.

As most of the other roads within the boundary recorded low traffic speeds, and in the absence of any recorded personal injury collisions except for one on Tamworth Lane, the Council is proposing ‘overrun’ areas (a raised section of the carriageway; approximately 6mm high, to create a vertical illusion to drivers that there is a traffic calming feature in the road. A photo is attached for your information, or alternatively one can be found in Spencer Road or at the junction of Commonside East and Brenley Close) within the vicinity of the following locations:

  • Nos. 6 and 36 St George’s Road,
  • No. 18 Tamworth Park,
  • Between Nos. 23 and 25 Cambridge Road,
  • Nos. 16 and 103 Hallowell Close,
  • Junction of Barnfield Avenue and Jonson Close.

Advantages of a 20mph zone

  • Lower speeds reduce the number and severity of any potential collisions,
  • Lower traffic speeds will encourage more people to walk and cycle, by providing an improved and safer environment,
  • Lower traffic speeds allow easier turning manoeuvres. For example, turning right can be difficult when crossing a lane of fast moving traffic,
  • Enforcement will not be required for a zone, as the measures will be self-enforcing,
  • Placement of traffic signs for a zone will be limited to only the entrance/exit points,
  • Reduction in perceived danger.

Disadvantages of a 20mph zone

Can be expensive to construct the physical measures, however, due to the existing measures, cost are reduced,

Vertical traffic calming measures can be intrusive to the local environment,

Zones impact on emergency services’ response time,

The physical measures can cause discomfort to drivers and passengers, if travel speed is not lowered.

Advantages of raised junctions/Speed Tables

Effective at reducing vehicle speeds and can be used in isolation – do not have to form part of a series of road humps,

More acceptable to emergency services and bus operators in comparison to standard humps,

Allows pedestrians, especially vulnerable road users such as those with disabilities and parents with children to cross the road and improved road safety.

Disadvantages of raised junctions/Speed Tables

Can be expensive to construct, and construction may cause temporary traffic disruption.

What happens next

A Notice of the Council’s intentions to introduce the above measures will be published in the local newspaper and posted on lamp columns in the vicinity. Representations for and against must be done in writing to the Head of Street Scene and Waste Management Division, Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden, Surrey, SM4 5DX by no later than 13 August 2010, quoting reference ES/SGE/COMMONSIDEEAST20MPH.

Officers’ comments and recommendations will be reported either to the Street Management Advisory Committee on 5 October 2010, or if appropriate, earlier to the Cabinet Member for Environmental Sustainability and Regeneration for a decision.

Please note that responses to any representation received will not be made until a final decision is made by the Cabinet Member. The Council is required to give weight to the nature and content of your representations and not necessarily the quantity. Your reasons are therefore important to us.

A copy of the draft TMO, a plan identifying the area affected by the proposal and the Council’s ‘Statement of Reasons’ can be inspected at Pollards Hill Library and Merton Link, Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden, Surrey during the Council’s working hours, Monday to Friday, between 9am and 5pm.

See also

Contact us

Traffic & Highways
Merton Civic Centre
London Road

Telephone: 020 8545 2171
Fax: 020 8545 4865


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