
The Local Government Transparency Code requires us to publish certain data, but we will also publish other data that is frequently requested under the Freedom of Information Act.

Annual parking report

Our annual report sets out important facts and figures about our parking service activities and policies. This includes:

  • how we enforce parking and traffic offences and the number of penalty charge notices issued
  • controlled parking zones and the number of permits sold
  • the income and expenditure recorded in our Parking Account and how the surplus on this account has been spent


Parking account

This document provides a breakdown of income and expenditure on the authority's parking account, including details of revenue collected from on-street parking, off-street parking and Penalty Charge Notices.

Parking accounts for 2021/22 and later can be found in the annual parking reports above.

Parking spaces


This data is currently under review and will be updated in due course.

This spreadsheet lists the number of parking bays in each of Merton's streets and controlled parking zones, and the number of permits that are currently valid.


This spreadsheet lists the number of off-street parking places controlled by the Council.

Related websites

London Tribunals annual statistics

Contact us

Contact Parking Services