Making parking fair in Merton

We understand that it's not nice to receive a parking ticket. But, if traffic and parking regulations were not enforced, we could soon see roads congested and residential streets blocked.

In Merton we think it's important to be clear and transparent about how we conduct this enforcement activity so that people in the borough can be sure that if they get a ticket, it has been issued in a fair way. And, if a mistake has been made, we'll put it right.


What you should expect from us

The council's parking team will:

  • never set targets or quotas for the number of penalty charge notices (PCNs) issued by the civil enforcement officers
  • advertise parking and traffic restrictions with the appropriate signs and road markings in accordance with the relevant legislation and guidance  
  • regularly monitor the signs and markings to ensure that they are clear and visible to road users
  • always use clear evidence, including photographic evidence where appropriate
  • ensure all CCTV mobile enforcement vehicles are clearly marked
  • respond to complaints about inconsiderate parking within two working days

Our civil enforcement officers will:

  • wear their uniform which clearly identifies them as civil enforcement officers
  • have their identification numbers visible
  • be courteous and polite to members of the public
  • be professional in the way they carry out their enforcement duties
  • operate to national guidelines on locations used to carry out their enforcement duties
  • ensure there is clear evidence to support their decision to issue a PCN

When considering appeals, the council's parking services team will:

  • be flexible and reasonable in their consideration of each appeal
  • respond to issues raised by a motorist in their representations
  • respond to 95% of informal appeals within 15 working days and within statutory guidelines
  • extend the discount period for a further 14 days from the date of our reply to informal appeals made within 14 days of the PCN being issued, so that motorists can challenge the PCN without losing the right to pay the discounted charge if their challenge is unsuccessful


What we expect from you

  • that you follow the Highway Code
  • that you comply with relevant signs and lines concerning the parking restrictions
  • that you are courteous towards our civil enforcement officers. They should be able to do their job without the threat of physical or verbal abuse.