​Open data is about making non-personal information freely available to everyone.

The benefits are:

  • transparency and accountability - publishing the information we use
  • public service improvement - helping you to challenge our decisions
  • generating economic growth - allowing small and large businesses to use the data
  • helping democracy - giving you information to engage in the political process

By law councils must publish information under the government's transparency agenda website.

Published data

You can re-use the information freely under the same terms as data.gov.uk.

Business planOur Business Plan page contains the latest four-year plan document, bringing together financial and service planning to give a detailed picture of how we will operateHTML, PDF
ConstitutionThe constitution sets out how the council operates, how decisions are made and the procedures which are followed to ensure that these are efficient, transparent and accountable to local peoplePDF
ContractsThe London Tenders Portal website provides access to our contracts and tender documents.HTML
Council and committee meetingsAgendas, reports and minutes of council and committee meetings.PDF
Councillors' allowances and expensesA list of all allowances and expenses we pay councillors in recent yearsHTML, PDF
Councillors' attendanceThe record of each councillors' attendance at council meetings from November 2013HTML
Election resultsElection and referendum results are on the Election results pageHTML, PDF
FinanceThe Finance page holds our accounts, budgets and other financial information.DOC, PDF
FraudStatistics regarding Counter-fraud work in 2018PDF
​Gender Pay Gap and Annual Equalities in Employment Report

Gender pay gap reporting

Equalities in Employment Report

Appendix A Annual Equalities in Employment Report 2022 2023

​Government Procurement Card Transactions reports 

Previous monthly reports

January 2023January 2022January 2021
February 2023February 2022February 2021
March 2023March 2022March 2021
 April 2022April 2021
 May 2022May 2021
 June 2022June 2021
 July 2022July 2021
 August 2022August 2021
 September 2022September 2021
 October 2022October 2021
 November 2022November 2021
 December 2022December 2021
Organisation chartThe charts showing the top-level structure of the council are on the senior employees' salaries page.PDF
Parking accountA breakdown of parking income and expenditureCSV, XLS, PDF
Parking spaces (off-street)The number of off-street parking places controlled by the Council.CSV, XLS
Parking spaces (on-street)A list of on-street parking spaces and permits issued for those spaces.CSV, XLS
Pay multipleThe pay multiple is 5:1 (31 March 2024). This is the ratio between the highest paid salary (£208,203) and the median average salary of the whole authority's workforce (£39,264).--
PerformanceReports of our performance against our key performance indicators are on the Performance monitoring page.DOC, XLS, PDF
Plans and policiesA list of our major plans and policies, including relevant links and contact details.PDF, HTML
​Procurement card transactions​A list of the transactions made using procurement cards during 2015-16CSV​
Property registerThe list of council properties.CSV, XLS
Senior employees' job descriptionsThe job descriptions of senior employees.PDF
Senior employees' salariesA list of the salaries of senior employees.XLS
Social housing asset valueThere is no information to publish here, as the housing association Merton, London | Clarion (myclarionhousing.com) owns and manages the housing assets.--
Spending over £500A list of all our spending items over £500CSV
Voluntary and community sector fundingReports produced annually which set out the funding from the council to voluntary, community and faith organisations.PDF
Trade union time

Central Function Facility Time 22-23

Education Function Facility Time 22-23

Central Function Facility Time 21-22

Education Function Facility Time 21-22

Waste collection contractThis item was a one-off specific requirement of the Local Government Transparency Code. At that time the service was carried out in-house, so no contract existed.--

Contact us

Freedom of Information Officer
Merton Council
Civic Centre
London Road

Telephone: 020 8545 4634

Email: foi@merton.gov.uk