We have a variety of pavilions available to rent all year round for seasonal sports bookings.


Dundonald Recreation Ground pavilion

Dundonald Recreation Ground, Fairlawn Road, SW19 3QH

King George's Playing Field pavilion

King George's Playing Field, Tudor Drive, SM4 4NP

Sir Joseph Hood Memorial Playing Field pavilion

Sir Joseph Hood Memorial Playing Field, Marina Avenue, KT3 6NE
Friends of Sir Joseph Hood Memorial Playing Field website

Fees and charges

Cottenham Park - Morden Park - Morden Recreation Ground - King Georges

Only available to hire on Saturday and Sunday. New Year's and Bank Holiday bookings are charged at commercial rate

Opening times​TariffPrice
For bookings before 5pmPer hour£20.50
After 5pm and SaturdaysPer hour£41
Sundays and bank holidaysPer hour£41
PlaygroupsPer hour£20.50

Raynes Park Sports Ground, Dundonald Recreation Ground and Sir Joseph Hood Memorial Playing Fields

Opening times​TariffPrice
For bookings before 5pmPer hour£37.90
After 5pm and SaturdaysPer hour£50
Sundays and bank holidaysPer hour£56

Dundonald Pavilion

Hourly rates including use of kitchenTariffPrice
Off peak (Monday - Friday) 9am - 5pm, commercial3 hour session£117
 Additional hour£42
Off peak (Monday - Friday) 9am - 5pm, non-commercial3 hour session£92
 Additional hour£33.85
Peak rate commercial, after 5pm and weekends3 hour session£189
 Additional hour£66.60
Peak rate non-commercial, after 5pm and weekends3 hour session£148
 Additional hour£52

Badminton (Raynes Park Pavilion only)

Days and timesTariffPrice
Monday - Friday before 5pm1 hour£22
Monday - Friday from 6pm1 hour£27.60

Wimbledon Bowling Pavilion 

Days and timesTariffPrice
Monday - Friday1 hour£28.70
Saturday and Sunday1 hour£61

Terms and conditions

Rules and regulations regarding the hire of public halls and pavilions

How to book

Book by phone on 0203 876 8806.

Contact us

Cheam Depot (visits are by appointment only)
Cheam Park
Tudor Close

Telephone: 020 3876 8806
Email: Sportsbookings@merton.gov.uk