Turnaround time

Our current turnaround time for all searches is usually within 10 working days.

Please do not chase your search results within this timescale as this only causes further delays in returning all search results.

Search fees

The fee for a standard LLC1 and CON29 search from 1 April 2024 is £178.60.
The fee for each additional parcel of land is £81.60.
CON29O questions are £9.60 each.

ServiceCharge20% VATTotal fee
LLC1 form£85N/A£85
LLC1 additional parcel£9N/A£6 per parcel
CON 29 form£78£15.60£93.60
CON29 additional parcel£63£12.60£75.60 per parcel
CON29O Questions 4 to 22£8 per
£1.60 per
£9.60 per

VAT receipts will be issued with search results.

Order an official search

There are three official search forms which we can process for you for a fee. A full search is made up of forms LLC1 and CON29. There’s also an optional CON29O containing additional questions.

  • Local land charges search (Form LLC1)
    A search of the local land charges register showing any charges affecting the land or property, such as conditional planning consents, Tree Preservation Orders and Legal Agreements.
  • Enquiries of the local authority search (Form CON29)
    A set of standard questions showing matters such as planning, highway or environmental issues which could affect a piece of land or a property now or in the future.
  • Optional local authority search (Form CON29O)
    This is an optional set of standard questions such as common land, road proposals and land use.

We can only process searches on official addresses which have been allocated by the council and as held on the National Land and Property Gazetteer.  As of 1 January 2025, the council’s Street Naming and Numbering section no longer offer a verification service for official addresses.  They advise that you consult the national address database (commercially known as AddressBase) on the find my address website. Local Land Charges are unable to provide any assistance or clarification in this regard. 

We can’t accept any of your own written questions on the CON29 forms - if you have extra questions send a letter to the relevant council section who’ll contact you about your enquiry.

Order online

You can order official searches online via the National Land Information Service (NLIS) through one of their official channels.

Order a search from an NLIS channel

Order by post

  1. Order the forms above from a licensed law stationery supplier. The Law Society CON29 page has links to various suppliers' websites.
  2. Complete and send the original form along with an up to date Ordnance Survey plan and a cheque for the fee to: Local Land Charges, Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden, SM4 5DX. Cheques should be made payable to ‘London Borough of Merton’.
    Email: locallandcharges@merton.gov.uk
    Address: Local Land Charges, Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden, SM4 5DX
    Telephone: 020 8545 3350

Once we’ve started working on a search we can’t cancel it, amend it or offer a refund. A copy of a search which we’ve already answered and sent back is only available to the original applicant.

Order a personal search of the Local Land Charges Register

You can request a personal search of the Local Land Charges Register free of charge by email or by sending a stamped addressed envelope to us.

To provide the search, we need:

  • your company name
  • an up-to-date Ordnance Survey plan
  • the search addresses including district and postcode. We can only process searches on official addresses which have been allocated by the council. If you want to verify the official address held by the council before submitting your request, please contact our Street Naming and Numbering section with an up to date Ordnance Survey plan: street.numbering@merton.gov.uk

Our response time is the same as that for Official Searches.

To help us process email requests quickly, please only send one email a day containing search addresses.

There’s no limit to the number of requests you can make, but if the volume becomes too much we may have to introduce restrictions.

Unfortunately, we can’t answer queries about personal search results as we don’t compile these search results. If your search doesn’t include the “This is an official search produced by Merton Council” watermark, we are unable to comment on your search.

CON29R data for personal searches

Please see CON29 local authority search.

Order copies of documents and request further information

The council can provide copies of documents and plans and provide further information related to entries on the Local Land charges Register including:

  • planning decision notices and appeal notices
  • planning legal agreements and enforcement notices
  • Tree Preservation Orders
  • Conservation Areas
  • Article 4 Directions
  • building regulation decision notices
  • building regulation completion letters
  • highways notices and legal agreements
  • Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) notices
  • covenants and agreements relating to former council right to buy properties.

There is a charge for this service. When you contact the relevant section below they will let you know what the fee is.

For planning and enforcement notices, Tree Preservation Orders, Conservation Areas and planning legal agreements email planning@merton.gov.uk
For building control notices and letters email: building.control@merton.gov.uk

For Article 4 Directions email: future.merton@merton.gov.uk

For CIL notices email: ci.levy@merton.gov.uk

For highways notices and legal agreements email: trafficandhighways@merton.gov.uk

For former right to buy covenants and agreements email: legalresidential@merton.gov.uk

Light obstructions notices and certificates

You can apply to the Local Land Charges section to register a light obstruction notice on the Local Land Charges Register. For further information please contact a solicitor or your representative. To register a notice you need to send us:

The fees for this service are:

  • registering a Light Obstruction Notice: £57
  • filing a Lands Tribunal Light Obstruction Certificate: £13
  • filing a variation or cancellation of a Light Obstruction Notice: £13
  • copy of a Light Obstruction Notice: £31

Drainage enquiries (Con29DW)

Drainage and Water Enquiry forms (Con29DW) for properties within Merton should be sent directly to Thames Water.

How to buy or sell a home: government guidance

How to buy a home (GOV.UK)

How to sell a home (GOV.UK)